The Superb LIGO Press Conference Announcing the Direct Detection of Gravitational Waves
The recent announcement
that gravitational waves had been directly detected was one of the most
exciting and important events in the history of astrophysics. I watched the press conference with dozens of other people at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), and we enjoyed sharing the
excitement of the Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) team. I was tweeting so quickly that my hands started to get
For a long
time I’d been skeptical that they would ever make this detection, as the technical
challenges are incredibly formidable. It wasn’t until team member Daniel Holz visited CfA for a talk and
discussed LIGO’s progress that I started to think they could actually do it. I
chatted with Holz after his talk about how the announcement of a detection might
be made, and since then I’d wondered: would the quality of the result’s
communication be as strong as the result itself? On February 11th, 2016 I found
out that the answer was a resounding yes.
I think the
press conference to announce the LIGO detection was superb, perhaps the best
that I’ve ever seen. I can give my opinion with some authority as I've helped
organize many press conferences for the Chandra X-ray Observatory. David Reitze, Gabriela (Gaby) Gonzalez, Rainer Weiss and Kip Thorne all did excellent jobs. In full disclosure, I have previously worked
with the press officer − Whitney Clavin − who organized the press conference, but I had already made most of the
notes for this blog post before I found this out. Congratulations to Whitney and her communications team, including graphics experts Robert Hurt and Tim Pyle, for doing such a good job, as I describe in detail below. Of course, this communication effort would not have occurred without the astonishing and extremely important achievement by the entire LIGO team. Experimental mastery, theoretical expertise
and communications prowess have combined here in a powerful way.
Below I describe some of the many highlights of the press conference and then discuss the analogy of sound being used to explain gravitational waves. I finish with criticism of the Nature Physics editorial that made derogatory comments about the LIGO press conference.
Below I describe some of the many highlights of the press conference and then discuss the analogy of sound being used to explain gravitational waves. I finish with criticism of the Nature Physics editorial that made derogatory comments about the LIGO press conference.
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Figure 1: The LIGO Hanford Observatory. Credit: Caltech/MIT/LIGO
The LIGO press conference highlights
- The press conference kept viewers in suspense for a few minutes at the start of the press conference, with France Cordova’s introduction and a short video including hints that they’d been successful. Then the official announcement was made. With our Chandra press conferences we usually jump to the announcement quickly, to avoid losing viewers, however this result was so important that it transcended typical practice.
- The actual announcement of the detection by David Reitze was clear, simple and deliberate: “Ladies and Gentleman, we have detected gravitational waves. We did it.”
- There was a clear feeling of celebration amongst the panelists, including Reitze briefly throwing his arms upwards in victory just after making the announcement of a detection, and a lot of hugging between panelists. All of this was perfectly appropriate and humanizing.
- Reitze quickly emphasized that a lot of checking was done before they announced the result, and he also briefly described the great future ahead for gravitational wave astronomy
- Simple language was used, especially early on, as emphasized in a Forbes article: “How The Epic Discovery Of Gravitational Waves Was Brilliantly Communicated”, by Carmine Gallo.
- The structure of the whole press conference was excellent, with the punch-line early, followed by a good executive summary, followed by filling in details about the instrument and the history later on. This structure resembled a good press release or news article.
- They did the publicity after a paper describing the main result was accepted for publication, unlike some recent press conferences, such as the one for BICEP2.
- They emphasized the superlatives and there were a lot of them, like “first” and “proof” and “mind-boggling” and “scientific moon-shot”.
- They used excellent graphics and props, including a good mixture of helpful, intuitive animations and straightforward graphics, to explain what gravitational waves are, how they affect objects and what was oberved. I like how Reitze showed a view of the black hole merger as a nearby viewer would see them, followed by a version showing the gravitational waves. Later on the animation shown by Rainer Weiss to explain how LIGO detects gravitational waves was particularly good.
- Gaby Gonzalez did an excellent job explaining what I think was the key scientific figure in the press conference (see Figure 3 for more details).
- They had a server that didn’t, as fair as I know, crash during the webcast. It was smart that they were prepared for a big following, despite the leaked rumors on Twitter by Lawrence Krauss (here and here) and in Science Magazine. They encouraged group watches of the press conference, presumably to help limit the risk of server crashes. It was also more fun to watch that way too. At CfA it felt a bit like watching an exciting sports event, with a bunch of parochial supporters. The atmosphere was electric and appropriately so.
- They discussed some “gee whiz” aspects, including the huge amount of power produced when three solar masses is suddenly converted into gravitational waves: during the collision the total power output in the gravitational waves was 50 times greater, for that brief period, than all of the power produced by all of the stars in the universe put together. I also liked the analogy Reitze gave for explaining the sensitivity of their measurement: "..if we were trying to measure the distance between the Sun and the nearest star, which is about 3 and a quarter light years away, LIGO is capable of measuring that, if it could do that, to the level of about the width of a human hair." That’s extraordinary, though it would have been even better for a general audience to give the distance in miles or kilometers – amounting to 30 trillion kilometers, or 30,000 billion kilometers – rather than light years.
- They didn’t use cliches like “Holy Grail” or “smoking gun”, even though it must have been tempting to do so, as such phrases were much more appropriate here than for any other science press conference I can recall.
- There was a sense of humor at times, like Weiss’s remarks that Einstein could have built LIGO back in 1916 if the technology had been available: “He was smart enough and he knew enough physics. He wasn’t just a theorist”. This got a good laugh from the other panelists, then the audience. Weiss then immediately introduced Kip Thorne “who is a theorist, but really also an experimenter”. Again, laughter.
- Gaby Gonzalez carefully and graciously acknowledged the large number of people who worked on LIGO.
- There was a very clear explanation who the founders of LIGO are, Ronald Drever, Kip Thorne and Rainer Weiss, who will be hot favorites to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics where the limit, probably not coincidentally, is three Laureates in a given year. If I was on the Nobel Committee I would be pushing to award the prize to them later this year, or as soon as possible.
- The speakers provided clear comments on how their results would improve in the future, including the much better positions for events that will come from adding extra observatories similar to the two that already exist, but at different locations. This is crucial for follow-up searches for counterparts using observatories like NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, ESA’s XMM-Newton Observatory or the Australia Telescope Compact Array, as suggested in searching for the possible counterpart to the newly discovered merger of two black holes.
Many of the
words and graphics used by the panelists in this press conference can be
adopted by speakers in scientific and especially in public talks about
gravitational waves. One exception to this recommendation is that I think the
panelists could have been clearer in explaining that it is an analogy to
describe gravitational waves as sound. This analogy is vivid and has a couple
of key strengths, as explained to me by LIGO team member and former CfA
colleague Vicky Kalogera:
1. "The frequencies LIGO is sensitive to are in the same range human ears are sensitive to, so there is an “easy” conversion of LIGO signals into sounds one can make."
2. "More importantly, “regular” (ie most electromagnetic) telescopes are pointing instruments, like our eye. In contrast the LIGO detectors work like human ears: LIGO can detect signals from above, below, back, and front."
Despite these
key strengths this is still only an analogy: gravitational waves are very
different from sound waves, e.g. the former are transverse waves, or ripples in
space-time and the latter are longitudinal waves traveling through a medium,
such as air or water; the former can travel through the near-perfect vacuum of
space and through dense objects and the latter cannot. Also, in a terrestrial
setting the speed of propagation for these waves in very different, by a factor
of almost a million.
To explain how
the sound analogy was introduced in the press conference, here’s a quote from
Reitze’s presentation:
“What LIGO does is that it actually takes these
vibrations in space-time, these ripples in space-time and it records them on a
photo-detector and you can actually hear them. So, what LIGO has done, it’s the
first time that the universe has spoken to us through gravitational waves. And
this is remarkable, up to now we’ve been deaf to gravitational waves, but today
we are able to hear them. That’s just amazing to me. I think this is big, again
because what’s coming now is we’re going to be able to hear more of these
things. And no doubt we’ll hear things that we expected to hear, like binary
black holes or binary neutron stars colliding, but we will also hear things we
never expected.”
He correctly describes the vibrations as being in
space-time, but then proceeds to describe gravitational waves as sound without
being clear that this is an analogy. The people who may not know this is an
analogy probably overlap a lot with those who don’t know what space-time or a
photo-detector is, so his introduction might not have helped much. Later on
Gaby Gonzalez played the “chirp” from the merger, without a clear explanation
that the gravitational waves were converted into sound, which didn’t help.
Was this a problem for a general audience, who would generally
hear about the result through the press, where further simplifications often
occur? I didn’t make a systematic analysis of the press articles, but for an
example, this is the beginning of the page
one New York Times article about the discovery:
“A team of scientists announced on
Thursday that they had heard and recorded the sound of two black holes
colliding a billion light-years away, a fleeting chirp that fulfilled the last
prediction of Einstein’s general theory of relativity.”
This could be misleading for non-experts. Also, the title for the accompanying video is “LIGO Hears Gravitational Waves Einstein Predicted”.
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Figure 4: Page one of the New York Times on Friday, February 12th, 2016. Credit: New York Times and the Newseum. |
For another
example, the second paragraph of the page
one Boston Globe story said:
“At 5:51 a.m. on Sept 14, a new,
highly advanced observatory in Louisiana heard the explosion as it passed the
Earth in ripples known as gravitational waves, a high-pitched chirp in the
steady hum of the universe. Seven milliseconds later, the distinct sound was
registered at a sister observatory in Washington.”
Only minor changes are needed to explain that gravitational
waves are not the same as sound waves. For example watch Brian Greene’s appearance on “Late
Night with Stephen Colbert”. First he does a great job, comparable in standard to
the LIGO panelists, at explaining how gravitational waves distort objects as
they pass through them. Then he introduces the sound analogy in the following
Greene: “In fact you can actually in some sense hear the gravitational
waves. They vibrate at a frequency that if you turn it into sound the human ear
can hear.
Colbert: “So literally these waves can be turned into sound.”
Greene: “They can”.
Of course, there’s no guarantee
that writers will explain the analogy correctly because of this subtle change,
but it gives them a better chance. Also, it’s not vital that non-experts understand the difference between gravitational
waves and sound waves, however it certainly doesn’t hurt.
Another, related issue − that I never would have thought
of myself − is that talking about “hearing” the universe and formerly
being deaf to it, is ableist language, as pointed out by Chanda Prescod-Weinstein on Twitter.
In defense of the press conference panelists, I’ll note that
the analogy has been used by scientists before. For example Janna Levin used it extensively in
her TED talk “The
sound the universe makes”. This talk included some brilliant explanations,
such as a description of a journey into a black hole, but I didn't feel completely comfortable
with heavy use of the sound analogy, placing it on my personal radar.
In science communication I think it’s useful to discuss the
care that should be taken with using analogies, especially a cool example like
this one, and how these can end up being distorted. A second, loosely-used analogy
is saying that astronomers
listen to cosmic phenomena using radio telescopes. Besides being potentially
misleading, another problem for these two analogies with sound is that there are
real examples of sound in space. To
name three, sound exists in oscillating
stars, in galaxy clusters and it existed in the early
universe. I do have a bias here as I used to do research in oscillating
stars and I helped organize a press conference publicizing the incredibly deep note in the Perseus galaxy cluster, however my point remains. Again,
only small changes are needed.
A Nature Physics
editorial criticizing LIGO’s communication
As noted above I was very impressed with the LIGO press
conference. I was much less impressed with an editorial – here is a publicly
available copy – that recently appeared in Nature Physics about LIGO’s
communication efforts. (This contrasts strongly with the excellent coverage of the gravitational waves result itself by the Nature News team, including Davide Castelvecchi.) Here’s one excerpt from the Nature Physics editorial:
“Of course, the announcement, made
on 11 February 2016, immediately hit the headlines. “We did it”, stated David
H. Reitze, executive director of LIGO. The excitement was palpable. Some of us
cried. But the public’s response was largely summed up by the satirical news
source, The Daily Mash, with their headline: “Scientists completely fail to
explain ‘gravitational waves’”.”
I disagree strongly with the final quote in this statement
and it’s telling to note that a satirical news source was used. The editorial
goes on to say “And it isn’t difficult to explain” by giving an explanation
that is much less clear, for non-experts, than the one that the LIGO panelists
gave. For example, nowhere does the Nature Physics article mention how the
gravitational waves stretch and shrink objects as these ripples in space-time
travel outwards from their source. The editorial also discusses fields and
charges. Again, not very clear for a general audience.
The editorial then says:
“But what is truly mind-blowing is
that not one of the telescopes operating at electromagnetic wavelengths has
detected a counterpart event.”
This statement isn’t completely correct because a possible
counterpart has been found with the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor, one that
is plausible enough to motivate quick papers by smart theorists like Avi Loeb and Stan Woosley to
explain this unexpected phenomenon, if true (the papers are here and here, respectively).
The editorial finishes by mentioning the prospects for
detecting gravitational waves from just after the Big Bang, and concludes with:
“In the meantime, we should learn
to explain the physics of these spectacular events to non-physicists.”
No, because we already have.
Very true. My reaction to their press conference was the same, thinking this is a smoothly managed affair, and that they'd possible been rehearsing this for the 6 months they analysed the data too. As for the sound-analogy issue, one needs to really go deep to explain how this is not a perfect 'analogy', which in my opinion, downplays the beautiful relation in the first place. I had done a Science Slam on the EM follow-up of Gravitational Waves in September '15, here's a link:
ReplyDeletetitled 'Looking for the Musicians of Spacetime'. Here, I covered almost all the points to make that good analogy, but inevitably, a question was raised later: "Why can't our own ears listen to Gravitational Waves?"
Yes, that's the problem with analogies if they're not explained very carefully.
DeleteThe press conference was definitely *not* smoothly managed behind the scenes. The room it was held in was tiny and nearly 100 journalists interested in covering it (including one guy who'd flown all the way from China *just* to attend it) were turned away, put in an overflow room and not allowed to ask questions. I was also told, but did not see myself, that the comments on the YouTube feed of the conference rapidly filled up with racist and anti-Semitic rants, suggesting that nobody had thought to moderate it. The content of the conference was, I agree, excellent, but there are other parts of the story that should also be noted.
ReplyDeleteI'm not aware of the details of the "behind the scenes" work, but I'll make a few educated guesses. I expect that they held the press conference in the largest room that was available. I'm *guessing* that there were restrictions on the length of the press conference, making it effectively impossible to allow all of the journalists to ask questions. I do know that interviews were conducted for days afterwards with LIGO team members, allowing follow-up work after the excellent press conference. Regarding the issue with YouTube comments, it's difficult to anticipate all of the problems with online coverage of major science results. Additionally, there may have been limitations on the amount of people available to cover such possibilities.
DeleteElectromagnetic waves (photons) storms produce "knots" more shining each a certain distance at plasma-jets from the black holes and young stars... Gravitational waves (gravitophotons), unknown yet, coming from deep Universe... No relativistic affaire.